Change the Voice -- Exercise to practice

Change the Voice -- Exercise to practice 

Change the Voice into Passive: 

1.  I am drawing a picture.
2. Take care of your health.
3. What have you done ?
4. The beauty of the scenery marvelled me much.
5. Aren't you making a basket ?
6. She is going to open a business.
7. We must obey our parents.
8. He did a lot of things for me.
9. Let me have a cup of tea.
10. Panic seized the writer.
11. The Headmaster teaches us English.
12. We made him a king.
13. Have you helped him ?
14. Smoke filled the room.
15. He gave a pen to me.
16. Shall I forget those happy days ?
17.  I knew him.
18. Can she buy a pen ?
19. Do not hate the poor.
20. This book contains many important materials.

Answer : 
Passive : 
1.    A picture is being drawn by me.
2.  Let your health be taken care of.
3. What has been done by you ?
4. I was much marvelled at the beauty of the scenery.
5. Isn't a basket being made by you ?
6. A business is going to be opened by her.
7. Our parents must be obeyed by us.
8. A lot of things were done for me by him.
9. Let a cup of tea be had by me.
10. The writer was seized with panic.
11. We are taught English by the Headmaster.
or, English is taught us by the Headmaster.
12. He was made a king by us.
13. Has he been helped by you ?
14. The room was filled with smoke.
15.  A pen was given to me by him.
16. Will those happy days be forgotten by me ?
17. He was known to me.
18. Can a pen be bought by her ?
19. Let not the poor be hated.
20. Many important materials are contained in this book. 

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