A Journey by Train / Or A journey you have recently made, My Childhood Memories, Paragraph

  A Journey by Train /  Or A journey you have recently made.

It was the end of July. My Half-Yearly Examination was over. One day, I with some of my friends took a sudden decision to go to my sister's house in Chittagong by train. Accordingly on the appointed day, we reached the Rangpur railway station at 7 a.m. We bought our tickets and got into the train just at 7:30 a.m.  As soon as the guard blew the whistle and waved his green flag, the train started moving. After a few minutes it began running at a full speed. Soon leaving urban areas, the train was passing through the green fields of the rural areas. Everything seemed to be running swiftly in the opposite direction. They came to my vision and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

I also enjoyed the mild jerking of the train and rhythmic sounds of the wheels. As it was an express train, it stopped only at a few big stations. At about noon we arrived within the areas of  Chittagong district, I felt great joy seeing the hills on the left side that stand like a vigilant guard. After eight hours pleasant journey, at last, the train reached Chittagong railway station at 3 p.m. My sister was waiting at the station and received us cheerfully. This pleasant and enjoyable journey lasted for a few hours. But the journey left a permanent impression on my mind. I will never forget the romance, thrill and charm of my first train journey and my first visit to Chittagong.

My Childhood Memories

The sweetest days of my childhood were spent in the charming environment of my village. It was small village in the district of  Rangpur. Though now I live in a city, I can not forget those happy days. As I was the youngest son of my parents, everybody of our family loved me much. I was free from all cares and anxieties of life. Everyone, especially my grandmother was always busy to look after my comfort. Whenever I did any wrong, my grandmother came forward to protect me. I annoyed   her in many ways but she never became angry with me. None dared to disturb me for my grandmother. The next experience was my first day at school. I was then a boy of  six. One day my mother took me to a school. When he took me to the headmaster, I felt a bit nervous and shy. But the smiling face and the sweet words of the headmaster helped me to get rid of my nervousness. The headmaster asked me my name and some questions. I replied them quite well. I was then admitted into class one. My teachers were all good and kind to me. Now, I am far away from their sweet company but I will never forget them.The most painful memory of my childhood was the death of my grandfather. I was then barely eight. His loving face and sweet smile flash upon my mind's eye. With the passage of time now I am at 14. But I still cherish the sweet memories of  my childhood. I feel very happy when I recollect my childhood. If I am asked whether, I would like to be a child again, without hesitation I will say, " Yes". 

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