A Village Fair , A Village Market , Paragraph

   A Village Fair   

A village fair is a large gathering of men, women and children on a particular occasion. People of all ages specially the children eagerly wait for this happy occasion. It is an occasion for show, sale of various goods and entertainments. A village fair is usually held once a year either on the first or on the last day of the Bengali year. It is generally held on the bank of a river or a canal, in front of a Temple or a Darghah or under the shade of a big tree. A village fair is an exhibition of the village products. People of different professions such as potters, carpenters, blacksmiths and others bring their own hand-made products in the fair for display and sale. Various fancy goods such as toys, whistles, combs, hairpins, cosmetics, looking glasses, earthen wares, balloons etc are also brought for sale in the fair. Circus parties often bring their trained small tigers, elephants, monkeys, horses etc to show funny games. The village fair has demerits too. Gambling parties come here and entice innocent people to take part in gambling. Cheats, pick-pockets, criminals come to the fair and commit various kinds of evil deeds. Sometimes children are lost and this causes great anxiety for the parents. Sweet stalls are open. There is no shed over them. Flies sit on the sweet and dust falls on them. People buy these sweets and eat them. As a result there is every chance of the out break of cholera and dysentery. A village fair is very useful and important. It removes the monotony of life and brings joys to the villagers. It helps a man to forget his sorrows and sufferings for the time being.

 A Village Market

A village market is a place where the villagers meet together for buying and selling their commodities. It is an important buying and selling centre for the villagers. It is the backbone of the rural economy. It usually stands at the centre of the village. There are two kinds of village markets- the daily market and the weekly market. The daily market is called 'Bazar'. It sits daily in the morning and breaks up before noon. The weekly market is called 'Hat'. It sits usually twice and continues till late in the evening. The shops in a village market are arranged in a systematic way. Mainly three categories of shops are seen in the village market. They are permanent shops, temporary shops and open-space shops. The open-space shops of the same kind are clustered together and arranged in rows according to the things for sale. Generally fish, milk, fruit, betel-leaves, vegetables, etc are sold in the open space-shops. The temporary shops are held in sheds having only their roofs. These sheds are made in rows with sufficient space in between two rows for the buyers to move freely. In these shops oil, salt, pepper, spices etc are sold. The grocers, tailors, cloth dealers and tea-sellers have their permanent shops. Again, there are different sections of the village market. They are the fish market, the vegetable market, the rice market, the fruit market and so on.A village market is of great use and importance to the villagers. Here the villagers get almost all the necessary things of their daily use. It also brings the people of different villages closer. It is an important place for village politics and a place of entertainment for the villagers too. It is a place of large gathering where people get the opportunities for exchanging views and news- let alone buying and selling their commodities. It saves the villagers from the trouble of going to distant places to buy things of daily use. 

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