Transformation of Sentences , Interrogative to Assertive

Transformation of Sentences :  Interrogative to Assertive

আসলে Transformation এর ক্ষেত্রে আমরা যদি Assertive  থেকে Interrogative  টা করতে পারি , তবে বিপরীত টাও করা সম্ভব । তাই এটার নিয়মগুলো বিস্তারিত  আলোচনা করলাম না , শুধুমাত্র অনুশীলনের জন্য কিছু Sentence দেয়া হল ঃ 

For Practice 

1. Was she upset with him?

2. Were they not impressed with her performance?

3. Will they attend the party?

4. Has he finished his work?

5. Has he not returned from work yet?

6. Doesn't she work here?

7. Did she help  you?

8. Did she accept the invitation?

9. Does he know the answer?

10. Was he kind to you?

11. Were they interested in the offer?

12. Can she speak English?

13. Can't you solve this problem?

14. Is he intelligent?

15. Doesn't he live with his parents?

16. Did he complete the work?


1. She was not upset with him.

2. They were impressed with her performance.

3. They will not  attend the party.

4. He has not finished his work.

5. He has returned from work.

6. She works here.

7. She did not help you .

8. She did not accept the invitation.

9. He does not know the answer.

10. He was not kind to you .

11. They were not interested in the offer.

12. She cannot speak English.

13. You can solve this problem.

14. He isn't intelligent.

15. He lives with his parents.

16. He did not complete the work.

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