Paragraph / Short Composition ---Discipline


Man is a social being. He lives in a society with others. So he can not do whatever he likes. He has to obey certain rules. The obedience to these rules is discipline.In order to keep peace in the society, discipline is a must. For want of discipline, a home cannot be a real home, a society cannot be a peaceful society and a nation cannot be a strong and progressive one. So discipline is a must in every sphere of life.In games and sports if the players do not obey the orders of the captain, they cannot win the games and sports. Discipline is necessary in every educational institution. No educational institution can run and do well without discipline. Similarly, the student cannot learn anything good if they do not obey the rules of their institutions. An industry cannot run smoothly without discipline among its workers. Nature shows a shining example of discipline. The sun, the moon, the stars and all the planets of the universe follow discipline strictly. Any break of discipline here will bring about the total destruction of the universe.Discipline is the secret of success. Life without it is like a ship without a rudder. It is the educational institutions from where man learns discipline. A student has to observe the rules of the institution. In any organization - social, political, religious, economic and educational discipline is essential for its development. Discipline is more necessary in the army. A small disciplined army can overthrow a large undisciplined army. So discipline is a precious treasure for the growth of whole human society.

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