Right Form of Verbs. Correct Use of Verbs ( Present Tense)

Right Form of Verbs  ( Present Tense )

Rule 1 :  ( a)    কোন  Sentence  এ  যদি Usually, Generally, Normally, Always, Sometimes, Often, Never, Occasionally  ইত্যাদির  যে কোন  একটি থাকে তবে  সেই Sentence  টিকে  Present Indefinite  Tense  এর গঠনে করতে হবে ।   
Sentence টির  Subject যদি  3rd Person, Singular Number থাকে , তবে মুল Verb টির সাথে  s/es বসাতে হয় ,  যা নিচের  2 নং Sentence  এ  হয়েছে 

1.  They usually --- (play)  football.
Ans: They usually play football.

2.  He often ---  (Play) football.
Ans : He often plays football. 

(b)  এ ধরনের Sentence   টি যদি  না- বোধক  ( Negative Sentence )  অথবা  প্রশ্নবোধক  ( Interrogative ) থাকে , তবে  do/does ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
Subject  টি  যদি  3rd Person , Singular Number ( যেমন ঃ  He, She, It, ) থাকে তবে does ,  নইলে  do ব্যবহার করতে হবে। 

 যেমন ঃ  ( Negative Sentence ) : 
                                         1.  He not always --- ( come ) here.
                                      Ans :  He  does not always come here.

                                        2.  They  not always ---  (come) here.
                                        Ans :  They do not always come here.

          ( Interrogative Sentence )  : 
                                      3.  He often --- (come) here ?
                                       Ans :  Does he  often come here ?

                                     4.  They often --- (come ) here ?
                                      Ans : Do they often come  here ? 

Rule 2 :   কোন  Sentence  এ যদি  Now , At this time , At this moment ইত্যাদির  যে কোন  একটি থাকে তবে  তা  Present Continuous Tense  এর গঠনে করতে হবে ।   

যেমন --

1.  He --- (watch) a game now.
Ans :  He is watching a game now.

2.  They not --- (watch ) a game at this time .
Ans : They are not watching a game at this time .

3.  She --- (watch ) a game at this moment
Ans :  Is she watching a game at this moment ?

Rule 3 :  কোন  Sentence  এ যদি  Already , recently , Just , just now ,  not-- yet ,  ever ,  lately 

ইত্যাদির  যে কোন  একটি থাকে তবে  তা  Present  Perfect Tense এর গঠনে করতে হবে ।  

যেমন -- 

1.  We  already --- ( go ) there.
Ans :  We have already gone there.

2.  He ever --- (be) to London ?
Ans :  Has he ever been to London ?

3.  He not --- ( play)  yet.
Ans :  He has not played yet.

Rule 4 :     কোন  Sentence  এ যদি  Since /  for  ইত্যাদির  যে কোন  একটি থাকে তবে  তা  Present  Perfect  Continuous Tense এর গঠনে করতে হবে ।  

যেমন --  

1.  He --- (read) a book since morning.
Ans :  He has been reading a book since morning.

2.  We --- (play) for two hours.
Ans : We have been playing for two hours.

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