Use articles where necessary. Put a cross(x) where an article is not needed.

Use articles where necessary. Put a cross(x) where an article is not needed.

1. (a)----teacher is often compared with (b) -----architect.He is called the architect of a nation.He is(c)------ light of learning and makes (d)------------- illiterate people worthy literate citizen of our country.But it is(e) ------ matter of great regret that (f) -----teachers are not held in our society. They lead (g)----humble life in(h)-----midst of(i)---- want.Still they keep the light(j)---- of education burning in order to remove the darkness of illiteracy and superstitions from the society.

2. Shams always tries to educate (a)_ _ _ uneducated.He tells them to check (b)_ _ _ beast in them .He reads in (c)_ _ _Rajshahi University.Being (d)----- active boy, he hates (e) ----- idle. He has (f) --------- great deal of books. He makes (g) --------- best use of his time. He has made (h) ----------- few plans. He knew that(i)----- time is (j) --------valuable thing.

3. English is (a)---international language. We feel (b)---necessity of learning English at every step.This is (c)---only language of international overseas business, communication, co-operation and (d)---co-existence. It is essential to receive (e)----foreign degree of higher education. All (f)---good jobs need English knowing persons. So every educated man should know how to (g)----communicate in English. To learn and develop (h)----skill of English specially for (i)—students is very important. No (j)----students should be ignored of it.

4. (a)-------16th December is (b)-----red letter day in the history of Bangladesh .on the day we achieve victory at (c)-------cost of(d)-------bloody battle .Bangladesh came into brings at (e)---independent country .It occupied a place in the world (f)-----map. Every year we observe (g)------day with due solemnity .we remember(h)----our heroic sons .the day is (i)------public holiday .the day begins with gunshot. The national flag hoisted on (j)-----top of the each house.

5. It was(a)----- dark night.A blind was walking along (b)----- road with (c)----lamp in his hand.Two men laughed at(d)-----blind man.One of them said “What is (e)---- use of(f)--- lamp to a blind man?”The other called him (g)-----fool.The blind man heard this and and said,” It is for those who are (h)----careless.” “What (i)----surprise said (j)----others.

Answer :   1.  (a)  a  (b) an  (c)  the  (d) the (e)  a (f) the  (g)  a  (h)  the (i) * (j) * 

2.  (a) an  (b)  a (c)  * (d)  an (e) an  (f)  a (g) the (h) a (i) * (j)  a 

3.  (a)  an (b) the (c) the  (d) * (e) a (f) the  (g)  * (h)  the  (i) the (j)  * 

4.  (a) the  (b) a  (c) the  (d) a  (e) an(f) *  (g) the  (h) *  (i) a  (j)  the

5.  (a)  a  (b) the  (c)  a  (d)   the    (e)  the  (f)  the  (g) a  (h)  *  (i)  a (j)  the 

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